Let's Do This!

I can honestly say that no one has ever called me "normal"! That is just fine with me! God placed a lot of personalities within my tiny mind and it is a journey to say the least. I have even 'named them'! (Don't send in the troops just yet) As I have grown in my walk with Christ, I have learned to make sure that HE is always heading up this little party in my mind! I recently published my first book!! Battling the Darkness! I have been writing for almost 15 years and never could get the ball going on publishing. Thank the Lord He never gave up on me! My second book, "The Journey" will be published on Amazon the end of July, 2024!!! Being able to share the journey I have been on from The Darkness into The Light is something that God has been working on through me for years! His timing, always perfect!! Now that you know I am a little cra cra- Let's get to it! Let's explore The Word and The Truth. Let's walk where Jesus walked. Let's be ready for God to change us! Let's get out of our comfort zones! Don't limit God's work in you. Don't try to be a Christ Follower in a box. I tried that - it didn't work. Embrace who God created you to be! I am a child of God! I am a follower of Christ! I am not, and never will be, perfect! I am not normal and don't want to be! I am loved! I AM HIS!

Monday, May 6, 2024



This is proof that you should never give up!! 

I have been working on publishing a book for almost 15 years!! Either I allowed things to get in the way, or things just didn't happen. I kept writing and kept pouring out what God lay on my heart. This is a SMALL amount of what I have written. It is a sampling of what's to come!! 

God has really been working in me and for me all these years! He has taken his time molding me and creating in me New Life! He has had His work cut out for Him, that's for sure! I am beyond thankful for His grace and forgiveness that I did not deserve - still don't. Even through the darkness, I felt my Father waiting for me to run out of it. I felt His love for me. I felt His eagerness to rescue me. All I had to do was turn His way. 

The numbness, emptiness, loneliness, and plain darkness was all I thought I had. That was a lie!! A lie I was told by Satan, for years! I listened to his lies and they always sounded so good. In the moment I always found it easier to listen to him than to look for a way out. It is always to take the instant answer. When we ask a questions, we want an answer - that's natural. But that is not always how God works. His time is not our time. His thoughts are not our thoughts. So, once I learned this, and so much more by reading His Word  - I looked at my Creator and RAN to His arms!! INTO THE LIGHT!

I do still have a few of these books left. I sold out for the first 200 that I had!!! I am not ordering anymore, so when these are out - they are gone. Just email me, message me on Facebook, or comment below if you want a copy. They are only $10!

My second book "The Journey" will be released on Amazon end of July 2024!!

May God Bless you and may you find your way to The Light if you are still in the darkness!