Let's Do This!

I can honestly say that no one has ever called me "normal"! That is just fine with me! God placed a lot of personalities within my tiny mind and it is a journey to say the least. I have even 'named them'! (Don't send in the troops just yet) As I have grown in my walk with Christ, I have learned to make sure that HE is always heading up this little party in my mind! Now that you know I am a little crazy - Let's get to it! Let's explore The Word and The Truth. Let's walk where Jesus walked. Let's be ready for God to change us! Let's get out of our comfort zones! Don't limit God's work in you. Don't try to be a Christ Follower in a box. I tried that - it didn't work. Embrace who God created you to be! I am a child of God! I am a follower of Christ! I am not, and never will be, perfect! I am not normal and don't want to be! I am loved! I AM HIS!

Monday, March 12, 2012


We awake, we go about our day; whatever that may be. For some of us it's grabbing a bagle and a cup of coffee and out the door to work. For some it may be sitting down with our spouse and enjoying a full breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and OJ. Yet, for others it's sending our children off to school and beginning our day of cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. Each of us begin our days differently, and we can all agree we go through those days differently as well. The world seems to keep spinning no matter how any of us spend our time. At the end of the day, some go home to a home-cooked meal, family, and discussions of our day; others it's entering an empty home, quiet, and relaxing in that favorite chair for the evening.
My point is that no matter how we all spend our time, we all have the exact amount of time to spend. Everyone has 24 hours in a day-no more and no less. I, myself, try to cram more into a day to accomplish as much as I can. (Hence the fact that I have been up all evening and it is now 3:00 am) Have you ever really stopped to think of how you actually "spent" those 24 hours? I'm sure, once in a while, you probably had regrets of wasted time; or on the other end, memories of amazing moments.But I'm asking you if you have actually put thought into what consumes your moments?
Family is definitely very important, no doubt. We want to spend as much time as we can with them. There are so many special people in all our lives that we cherish, I pray you are able to have those moments.
But I ask you to think of this one thing..."Consumption takes a whole of something and fills it". So, may you be able to enjoy, cherish, love, laugh, and create memories in this life you live-BUT-Please BE CONSUMED WITH YOUR CREATOR! The One who allows you to have those moments in the first place!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Go out into all the Nations...

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them obey everything I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20
This passage tells us that we are to be disciples of Jesus Christ; just as His chosen ones were in the Scriptures. How does that make you feel? Are you ready for that kind of responsibility? Do really think YOU are called to do this?
When we read Scripture as a whole we learn of what the disciples went through in order to teach and spread God's Word. They were persecuted, beaten, and even killed. Yet-NOT ONCE did they ever turn in fear and quit! We do not have the persecutions in this Country as the disciples did then; yet we can not seem to spread the Word as quickly as the first disciple did! Go to other Countries and people are being murdered for worshiping God and reading the Scriptures; yet they do not stop! And here, in the US, MANY CHOOSE NOT to worship or read Scriptures or teach as we are called! This makes me so ill to my stomach!!
How can people CHOOSE to not love and obey they Lord?! I just don't get it! I have recently decided to make it my goal to reach as many as I can with God's Word and spread His commands! I am willing to go to all the Nations! I am willing to stay here and do this command in the US. Whatever God calls me to do!
I am now challenging all of you to do the.same! Go! Obey your Father! Do as He has commanded you to do! Don't allow Jesus dieing on the Cross to be in vein! YOU WERE PLACED HERE TO SERVE GOD-NOT YOURSELF!!!
God Bless You all on your journey with the Lord!