Let's Do This!

I can honestly say that no one has ever called me "normal"! That is just fine with me! God placed a lot of personalities within my tiny mind and it is a journey to say the least. I have even 'named them'! (Don't send in the troops just yet) As I have grown in my walk with Christ, I have learned to make sure that HE is always heading up this little party in my mind! Now that you know I am a little crazy - Let's get to it! Let's explore The Word and The Truth. Let's walk where Jesus walked. Let's be ready for God to change us! Let's get out of our comfort zones! Don't limit God's work in you. Don't try to be a Christ Follower in a box. I tried that - it didn't work. Embrace who God created you to be! I am a child of God! I am a follower of Christ! I am not, and never will be, perfect! I am not normal and don't want to be! I am loved! I AM HIS!

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Have you ever done something, seen something, or experienced something that gave you the "WOW Factor"? Ya, know - Experiencing your child being born; Watching your son hit his first homerun; Your daughter walking down the steps in her first prom dress; The first meal you cooked that was actually edible; Ace'n a test you didn't even study for; or whatever it may be. It was the moment when your heart skipped a beat and you felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and pride! Joy overcame you and you didn't want the moment to end!
Those moments are priceless and they remind us of how wonderful life really can be. But those moments are also temporary. They don't last. Sure, you have the memories and the thousands of pictures you took. But the moment itself is gone in a flash.
We want those moments to last. We want those moments to keep com'n at us so we can enjoy life and experience happiness. We long for moments like those because they make us feel as though life is worth living.
How does it make you feel when someone "rains on your parade"? How does it make you feel when someone doesn't notice how wonderful that special moment is for you? What if someone took that moment that you were so proud of and said, "EH, not so great. I could do better"? How would you feel? I would think that you would feel crushed, offended, hurt, and maybe even angry. I would! If someone seen one of my daughters in her prom dress and said, "Eh, not so beautiful"; I would tell them they are blind as a bat! We don't want anyone to take those moments away from us, or minimize them. They are special to us! We cherish them!
So why is that the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT MOMENTS IN HISTORY are tossed aside like they don't mean as much as they were suppose to mean? Why is it that people can't see the beauty in the MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS EVER? Why do we see the Gospel as a "Not so important moment in history"? It is THE TURNING POINT in history and the foundation on which we should live our lives!!! It is THE REASON WE HAVE LIFE AT ALL!! The Gospel is the greatest story every lived and it will never be topped! Why is it so hard for us to accept? Why do we, as sinners, continue to look our Father in the eye and say, "Eh, not so great"?
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is THE MOMENT that we should hold on to, cherish, have pride for, and stop anyone who feels differently about it! It is filled with, not one, not two, but MANY MANY  moments that we should keep mental pictures of! There should be thousands of pictures of the Gospel in your mind and they should be carried wherever we go to show everyone we meet!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Don't blame God!

So many people ask, "Why is there so much evil in this world?" or another one is, "IF God is so merciful, why does He allow so much bad to happen?"
Well......in my humble opinion and outlook on it......
When God created the world, He created the Garden of Eden...right? So, what was that like? Well, we can read in Scripture that it was a perfect and peaceful place. God created everything man would need to survive. He made a place where man did not have to worry about where his next meal would come from or where he would rest his head at night. God created man to know no wrong. Only good and pure things were found in the Garden of Eden. That is, UNTIL...yes, man sinned!! God have man all he needed and all he wanted, but evil stepped in and tempted man with the unknown. Man's curiosity took over and caused sin to enter this World. Now when I say "man", I mean woman too. Ladies, we can not just blame the man here. And men, you can not just blame Eve; Adam was there too. They were both to blame. They both had a choice to make and chose the wrong path.
When God created man, he gave us free will. We have the free will to choose right or wrong. God done this so that we would CHOOSE Him. He wants us to choose Him and not evil.
Now, why is there evil in the world? Because when God cast Satan out of Heaven (he was a fallen angel) he was cast to roam the Earth. He is doing that even to this day! Scary thought, I know. Satan is roaming the Earth looking for people to devour and cause Jesus's followers to sin. The more Satan gets people to CHOOSE him, the less people CHOOSE God.
We must use this freedom wisely. God does not want to hand us eternity on a silver platter anymore than we, as parents, want to hand everything to our children on a silver platter. It would spoil them and not teach them anything. Why is it that we can understand parenting and the fact that we must teach our children right from wrong and teach them that there are consequences to their actions; but we cannot understand why God would teach us in the same manor? God wants us to end up in eternity with Him just like we want our children to succeed. However, if we want our children to be successful in life, then we must teach them to make their own decisions, and right ones at that. So why wouldn't God do the same for us? We need to understand that God loves us as a parent would love a child. He doesn't want to spoil us cause then we wouldn't appreciate eternity.
So the next time someone asks, "Why is there evil in this world?" You can tell them it is because Man didn't listen to God.
And, when they ask "Why does God allow bad things to happen?" You can tell them it's because Man made the wrong choice.
None of it is God's fault! We shouldn't blame Him because He is the One waiting to catch us when we fall and help us back up; and not only that - lead us to safety!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

It Only Took Jesus Christ 33 years (I BELIEVE)

Scriptures tell us of the burial of Jesus Christ. He was taken down from the cross on Preparation Day (Friday according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - all four Gospels) and preparation began for burial in a tomb according to Jewish customs. He was placed in a tomb and the woman began to prepare more spices and cloth needed for Jewish burial traditions. However, the next day, Saturday, was Sabbath; so they rested.
The first day of the week, known in Jewish times as sundown on Saturday evening, the women went on the their way to the tomb to finish preparing Jesus's body for burial. When they had discovered the boulder had been rolled away and the body was gone, they ran back to tell the others. "It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles. But they did not believe the women because their words seemed to them like nonsense. Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened." Luke 24:9-12
Here we see how exciting and confusing this day must have been to those who followed Jesus Christ. Peter, walked away knowing something miraculous had happened. Later we see where Jesus actually appears to the disciples and even Thomas (famous doubting Thomas) believes.
Tomorrow we will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior! We will celebrate how He overcome death by God's command! We will celebrate the fact that we may have eternal life as well and be risen with our Lord! I have always said that Jesus being crucified on the cross was the greatest event in history for me, but I have to say that the resurrection would hold a CLOSE second. The resurrection was the answer that everyone was waiting for back then. The followers of Jesus, the disciples, and even those of fought against Jesus, (the Pharisees); they were all waiting to see if God could really raise Jesus from the dead and bring Him back to life. HE DID!!!
Thousands of years have passed and to this day people are still doubting. Scientist are still trying to find facts that this did not happen. They are trying to find evidence that the Scriptures are not Truth. For thousands of years, 100's have tried to dispute the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS ---- funny, it only took Jesus Christ 33 years to change the future of the world and everyone in it!!!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break....

I have heard so many talk about where they were going on their Spring Break. Most are heading to a beach somewhere because they are tired of the cold. Some are heading to families or friends. As I was listening to where everyone was going, I couldn't help but get a little jealous.
My daughters and I have never been anywhere for Spring Break; heck, I don't think I ever have either. I have been divorced for almost 9 years now and we have never been able to take a vacation anywhere. So, every year, when I hear of others going somewhere on a trip, I can't help but wish I could take my girls somewhere too.
As a mother, I feel bad not being able to do this for my girls. I don't think it is fair that I can not do this because my daughters deserve it. They are so helpful around the house, they are good - usually, they do their best to serve others, there are doing very well in school, and they show me respect as their mother. So, naturally I want to reward them. Yes, there have been times in the past that they have mentioned going somewhere on vacation. There have been times when they have asked "why not?" However, over the years, they have just come to learn that we are not going anywhere, so they don't even ask. Then, eventually, they learned to appreciate the time we spend here at home together during those times that others are gone on vacations.
The problem with me, as their mother, thinking that they 'deserve' a vacation is that they don't. No one does! I am suppose to be teaching my daughters about how to live as Christ did. I am suppose to be showing them how Christians look at life. Sometimes, it seems as though they are teaching me! My daughters have had to overcome many obstacles in their lives already - at such an early age. Some may look at these as a bad thing, we don't. For my girls to stand strong through it all, this early on in life, shows me that they will be OK later on in life too. These obstacles have proven to be good things that help us build our character, Godly wisdom, strength, and faith. Would I rather life not be so hard for my daughters, of course I would. But if it were, they might not be who they are today - and that would be awful because they ARE AMAZING GIRLS!
There is nothing wrong with going away on a vacation. So, if you are going away for Spring Break - be safe, have fun, enjoy your time together. If you are staying home, create your own fun, spend quality one on one time together, use your imagination, appreciate the small blessings, and RELAX!
A few ideas we have come up with in the past...
EXPLORING NATURE SOMEWHERE - weather permitted of course
These are just a few ideas that we have done in the past....main thing to keep in mind is, no matter where you are - make sure you are spending that time together as if it were your last moment!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Just A Smile.....

"Maybe I can silence it for a few more minutes", I think to myself. Just as I begin to fall back to sleep... BUZZZZZZ!!! "Thought I silenced that!" Rolling over to buy just another minute or two....BUZZZZZZZ!!! "OK! OK! I'm up!"
I slowly make my way to my loving, sweet, darling children who are all so silently sleeping in their beds. "Rise and Shine! Time to get up!" Turning the lights on in each room, watching them shield their eyes from the glare. "I don't wana get up!", one cries from her slumber. "AAHHHH!", is another sound heard quite frequently in the breaking of a new day. Yet, in the midst of all this grumbling and moaning; in the distance I see a smile! There is hope! One of these amazing creatures has developed a sense of happiness! It's a miracle! She rises from her sleep - turns to face my still slowly moving body - and in the blink of an eye; A SMILE APPEARS! No sound. Not a word. Just a smile. It is there without fail. Every morning. It is the water that puts out that ugly morning flame! Almost makes it worth rising so dog gone early!

It is amazing how just a smile can melt away the hottest temper; it can calm the most eager of nerves; it has a way of brightening up any dark day. A smile is so powerful and it needs to be seen! A smiel confirms that whatever you are doing at that time is working. A smile lets you know that you are appreciated. A smile can make you wonder too. A smile can make anyone feel better about themselves. It can defuse the ugliness that is anger. A smile has a way of making everything ok. It says, "I'm here for you and I care", without saying a word. A smile is VERY powerful!!

Pass it along!
It is spreads like wildfire!
Show others that what is in you is greater than what is in the world!!

Thank you Chelsie for that smile every morning!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Plank

Ok, let's get real for a moment shall we....
Stop complaining because someone made a mistake! Stop cursing at people who annoy you! Stop looking at others as if they are from another planet when they mess up! Stop saying, "I just can't believe it" or "How could he/she"...NEWS FLASH FOLKS - YOU ARE JUST LIKE EM!!!
This world is full of people that make mistakes; and you are one of em! You have no right to sit on your soap box and pretend that what everyone else is doing is so much worse than what you have done or are doing. It's not! It's the same!
Nothing urks me more than listening to someone complain about someone else, their own lives, or the lives of others. Complaining about everyone else and nit-picking on their mistakes don't erase your own faults folks! Complaining about it doesn't solve it either, just shows your selfishness!
Take a step back and look at your own life. When you get rid of the plank in your own eye, then; and only then, can you see others for what they are. That plank is clouding your sight and only allowing you to see part of the other person. It is also blocking your own faults from your own sight. Don't look at others and find fault - look at others and find a human being that makes mistakes - just like you do!

Friday, March 1, 2013

WHAT Are You Leaving Your Children?

OK, we all know that you had to walk 10 miles, up hill, both ways, in 3 feet of snow to get to school - even in the summer! And...we all know that you did not DARE question your parents cause if you did...WHAM! Believe me - we also know that no matter how tired you were, you had to get up at the crack of dawn and help around the house! WE GET IT!
How many of you had this attitude when you were growing up? I did! I dreaded talking to my parents about how hard life was! It always ended up with me feeling sorry for them and not only doing what I didn't want to do in the first place, but actually agreeing to do MORE! (My parents were gooood)
When I was younger, I would think that they done things just so they could show their authority. I always thought they made us do ridiculous things so that they would have something to laugh about later as they were going to sleep. Come on, you all know exactly what I am talking about!
And I am willing to be that you all can agree with me when I say, "Man! Was I a mean kid to my parents!" Maybe not in those exact words, but looking back, you can definately see that your parents, for the most part, weren't all that bad. I can definately see how they were always looking out for my best interest.
I bring this thought up cause I am now  a parent and I find myself second guessing my techniques. I don't want to mess anything up. I want to be able to always have the right advice to give them. I want them to learn all the good stuff from me, not the bad. I want to teach them all they need to know to survive in this crazy messed up world. I, myself, feel the need to be perfect so they don't feel like they are not in good hands. All of this, every day goes through my mind - and usually all night long keeping me awake. I fear the idea of my daughters growing up without me. Even typing it now, I am getting chills. But the fact is, it could happen and there is nothing I could do to stop it!
The one most important thing I am teaching my daughters is that their Lord and Savior THE ONE they should lean on FIRST in times of trouble and heartache. When trials come their way, turn to God FIRST! Read your Bibles - search the Truth! Don't panic and know that He has it all under control! That is first and far most that I am teaching them because I feel if they have this planted in their hearts, then the rest will fall into place.
However, there are a few little lessons in life that I teach them as well.
Respect is a big one in our home! Respect yourself first, then others. If you can not look yourself in the mirror and see Jesus standing next to you smiling, then you are doing something wrong. Live each day making someone else happy and making Jesus proud. Don't ever put your own beliefs and feelings aside. Stand firm in what you know to be truth.
Love and support your family! This is also very important to teach them because their family will be there for them to lean on and get that support from. My family has always had my back and I couldn't be prouder to be a part of them or have them a part of me. I teach my girls to hang together and be there for each other.
There are other lessons in life I teach them as well, I won't get into them all cause I couldn't possibly - there are new ones every day. Like ones that deal with gossiping, lieing, bullying, burning dinner, spraying Clorox Bleach instead of air freshner, closing the door when in restroom incase someone comes over, not trusting your mom when she smiles crookedly and says, "trust me"; you know, every day stuff.
My dad always told me that you should learn something new every day in order to consider it a productive day. I believe that! He also said that every day was the first day of the rest of your life, I believe that too! (see, I listened)
Being a parent myself, I have come to realize that every day I will make my daughters proud and every day I will make them angry. Every day I will make a mistake too. This is a tough one for me. I am learning; I will always be learning. But if I can teach them the basics, then the rest will work itself out. One of the hardest things to do as a parent, for me, is to stand back and watch them make a mistake and get hurt. I believe that I must allow my daughters to make a mistake sometimes in order to learn a lesson. That is difficult because I don't want my daughters to ever be hurt!
So, if God feels the need to take me home before my daughters are grown; I am praying every day this is NOT the case; then I leave them with knowning that God comes first and always should, Read your Bibles daily, Stand firm in your beliefs, Lean on and support each other, Love your family and yourself, Respect yourself and others, and make sure you CLOSE THE DOOR!
My daughters are my world here on Earth! I now know that I too was the world to my parents! Thank you Mommy and Daddy for loving me, teaching me, caring for me, suporting me, and yes...even spanking me!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Call me Strange - but Don't call the troops!

There are times when I wonder if I should check myself into a mental ward. Seriously, I pride myself in being different; standing out; and being a "one of a kind". However, when it interferes with me making the right choices in life and deciding what to do and what not to do - the voices are not always welcome. There are times when they shout so loudly that I want to just shout back, "SHUT UP!". I don't though for fear of someone wanting to put my in a straight jacket. My daughters have often just looked at me, shook their heads, and walked away.
When I am writing, these voices come in handy. I can pretend to be someone else, somewhere else, and I can put my imagination to work. It is nice when it comes to making up stories and creating characters. However, it is not so nice when I want, or need, to be normal. What I want to do is not always what I should do and what I know to be right, I don't always want to do. (Sound familiar) This is a constant struggle within my own thoughts. It is a daily struggle with my character, personality, and my daily living in general.
Now, don't sit there reading this and shake your head as if I were off my rocker. And, definately, don't call in the troops! You know, deep down, that you have felt this way as well. Don't deny it! Heck, you can say "Ya, I hear ya" and no one will know cause your not PUTTING IT ON THE INTERNET. I don't worry to much anymore what others may say or think. I am what I am. There are times when those voices come in handy. I have one, Suzie (yes, I name them), that has a way of looking at the laughter in everything. When something goes wrong or someone does me wrong, I listen to Suzie cause she can make a joke, crack a comment, or make me think of something good to take my mind off the bad. I definately don't listen to George - he is loud, obnoxious, and often does not give the best advice. I do not have split personalities people. I just have different thoughts at different times.
Folks, this is me! I have embraced the difference in me and I have accepted the fact that I am not like most. News flash - NEITHER ARE YOU! Not one of us is like the other; even if you are a twin. God made all of us uniquie in His image. We all have different personalities and different characters. We all are made by God, but with our own talents, gifts, and abilities. It is up to us to use those to better this world for our Creator.
I take these voices and different personalities within me and use them to better understand Scripture and teach others about God's Word and what He expects of us. I can relate to many other people who are stuggling because, more often than not, I can guarentee that there is a voice inside my head to match what they are going through. Seriously, think about it. I can use the "strangeness" that is me and relate to whatever someone else may be going through so that God can work through me to help them get through their own problems and situations.
Like I said, we are all created for a certain uniqueness and it is up to us to embrace that and use it the way God intended for us to. We all have good and bad in us. We all have the freedom to choose sin or not. We all have different personalities within us (come on, admit it). We all have different talents and abilities. It is how we use our own uniqueness that counts; that changes our future and the future of those around us. Whatever you do, it will effect others. Whether you think it does or not; it does. Every choice you make not only effects you, but those around you.
So call me strange, call me weird, sit there and shake your head; it doesn't matter to me. I have embraced it all to use it to better this life the way God intended me to do so. I dare you to embrace your own weirdness, uniqueness, or whatever you want to call it. Turn it around to be used by God to better His world!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Place God First On Your Schedule

The day begins with the CHARGE call of my alarm. Slowly making my way from room to room waking each sleeping child; I can't help but wish I had just a few more moments of sleep. To the coffee pot I go as the smell makes it's way to my nose. While the little ones skamper around upstairs, calling "Where is my...?"; I open God's Word to become lost in His Word. I read a verse or two and ponder on the meaning of them. Some days His Word speaks joy and others It only confuses me more. Either way, I know that without this brief encounter of His Word, my day can not begin right. Doing my best to drown out the qaus amoung the morning, I fix my thoughts on what God is trying to show me. It is only for a brief moment, but in that moment I find my sanity. There are days when I have more time once the little ones are gone. I love those days because I can loose myself outside of this world. The escape is like a mini-vacation that has long been needed. I long for these days! I embrace these days! These days are too few! Living in this world takes a lot of planning and careful consideration on one's next step. I have almost every day planned ahead of time and almost every hour is already gone before it even exists. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all. Living life is not entirely wrong. We all must plan, schedule, do, and be. However, we don't all have to plan, schedule, do, or be without God. I CAN'T! I find that whenever I try, it always ends in failure. Without God heading each moment, each day, each week, and each month on my hectic schedule; it is all just a blur! It has no meaning! Place meaning in your life! Put God on your schedule FIRST!!